April 20, 2023 | Published in
The 2022-2023 season is in the books, and the hills are now closed. Thanks to everyone who made it great, from the staff and management who ensure the club runs smoothly, to volunteers who help facilitate events and programs.
The year was not without its challenges; the weather was a constant hurdle, but at least the season wasn’t interrupted by a pandemic. Life at the club was back to normal and we were able to have fun together once again.
As noted at the AGM, we are fortunate to be in a position where we can look to the future, and the pause of the pandemic allowed your management and board to review the needs of the club into the future. We have launched “The Community Project,” which is effectively a plan to reassess how we use the club, in particular our indoor spaces and related amenities.
Springboarding from the operational report we received from BHA Consulting last year, we are pleased to announce we have engaged Hossack & Associates Architects to understand and design how our West Clubhouse can be enhanced for an improved member experience.
The Competitive Committee has been busy this year looking to improve the development of athletes at all levels and disciplines:
Although challenged by some terrible weather, the Thursday night training sessions were a success, and the club is looking to offer an expanded program next year.
The Athlete Development Fund (“ADF”) has undergone a full review in an effort to better direct funds to athletes who are seeking to optimize their skiing performance and experience. As noted, the weather forced us to spend a bit more time inside this year than we perhaps would have liked. This put a little more stress on indoor services, particularly Food and Beverage. As a team, they performed admirably as it had the first full season serving our Membership and Guests since the 2018/19 season. The extra volume also uncovered some stress points, and highlighted that we need to continue to focus on Food and Beverage, an essential amenity that the Membership can enjoy. We are proud of our F&B staff, and are proud to be one of two of the last Clubs on the Escarpment who continue to have in-house F&B. This allows us to maintain control over services and costs, while continuing to strive to deliver quality and variety.
Over the summer, long after the lifts have closed and you are enjoying your summer, you can still get involved. Please be on the lookout for opportunities to engage:
During the spring, the management team will release a survey designed to fully understand our membership and the needs of the club as a result. Please be sure to take time to answer and have your say as to what is important to you and your Caledon family. This survey will directly affect the Community Project and West Lodge Expansion.
Mid-summer, we will host the next Town Hall to understand the progress we’ve made with the Community Project. The meeting will be held remotely through Zoom so we can maximize attendance, and will be intended to update progress on the initial plans from the architects, as well as an overview of the results of the spring survey and what the membership expects from the future of Caledon.
If you miss the Townhall, the next direct engagement with the Membership will be our Club’s Annual General Meeting in October. This will give us another opportunity to get together to discuss the 2023-2024 season and Community Project updates. With some melancholy, I am signing off for the end of the season, although admittedly it’s easier when the weather is as good as it is at the time of writing. Have a safe and fun summer; we’ll have many chances to re-connect during the off-season, and please feel free to reach out to myself or the management if you have any questions or comments.
All the best!
Jamie List
Chair, Board of Directors