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Food and Beverage Updates

Dear Members,

As the season starts to wind down, please note there will be no food services at the Main Lodge on Thursday and Friday this week, March 20 & 21.
On the weekend, the Main Lodge will offer a limited menu, and it will be your last chance to get your Caledon pizza this season!

The West Lodge kitchen and T-Bar will remain open until the end of the season for your breakfast, lunch and après needs. Please join us at West for a meal, a snack, a drink – or all three!

You will notice reduced options at both lodges as we approach the final weeks of the season as we work to keep just enough product for everyone to still enjoy their days, but not so much that we carry a surplus of inventory into the Green Season.

Now let’s enjoy Gluhwein weekend!

The F&B Team

17431 Mississauga Road. Caledon, Ontario L7K 0E9 | Tel: 519.927.5221 | admin@caledonskiclub.on.ca